&hint1=I am an 18th century oil painting& &hint2=This painting shows various sculptures that were the type of artwork that Winckelmann tried to identify& &hint3=I depict a collector with his various pieces& &hint4=This portrait of Townley and his friends had his scultpture of discobulus added to it& &choices=Mistress and Maid;View of the Dome area in Sir John Soane's Museum;Henrietta, Countess of Warwick, and Her Children;Consolatrix Afflictorum;St. Peter's Rome with the Colonnades and St. Peter's Square;Charles Townley and Friends in Park Street Gallery& &answer=Charles Townley and Friends in Park Street Gallery& &search=Townley Zoffany& &title=Charles Townley and his Friends in the Park Street Gallery, Westminster& &artist=Johann Zoffany& &medium=Oil on canvas& &date=1781-83& &location=Towneley Hall Art Gallery and Museums, Burnley& &dimensions=4'2" x 3'3"&